Electric Panel Services


Whether it’s in bad condition or not, as society grows, technology grows and eventually your home will be too powerful for the panel to run the electricity. But, it’s especially important for you to know the warning signs because a faulty service panel is not something to mess with.

If you notice flickering lights or an Arcing, or electric sizzling sound coming from inside the unit, it’s not safe to ignore them. Arcing is a surge in electricity that can send incorrect voltages around your house. This means that appliances you have around your home could not function if they get too little electricity, or overload and become a fire hazard if they get too much. Don’t take the risk.

When you upgrade to a 200 AMP breaker panel, though, you can ensure that your electrical panel box is not only able to handle the power demands of your home but is also much safer. This is especially important if you are installing a new appliance that has a high power demand such as a new refrigerator, air conditioner, or hot tub.

Benefits Of A New Circuit Breaker Box

Besides having a circuit breaker that can handle multiple electronic devices at once without overloading, upgrading your service panel has other advantages, as well.

  1. Insurance incentives: Because they are so outdated, insurance companies look at a home with a fuse panel and see an electrical fire just waiting to happen.

  2. Higher resale value: Homes that have a circuit breaker are more appealing to potential buyers

  3. Safety: With an old service panel, you run the risk of a fire in your home

Knowing all the potential hazards – and the benefits – it’s time to contact our team in San Diego for your service panel upgrade today!

Electrical Panel Breakers and Fuses

If your electrical panel has blown a breaker or fuse, Bright Power Electric can repair or replace the damaged component without having to replace the entire circuit breaker panel

Electric Panel Installation

If you are in need of an electrical panel upgrade in order to meet the power demands of your home and eliminate any fire hazards, we are able to help you quickly install your new circuit breaker panel in a way that guaranteed to be safe and function flawlessly.

Electric PAnel Replacements

If your panel is worn out and needs to be replaced, we can help you choose a 200 AMP panel that is best for your home and complete the replacement process in little time at all.

Electric Panel Repairs

If your electric panel is malfunctioning and you are in need of a 24-hour electrician to quickly fix the problem, Bright Power Electric is just one phone call away. Our San Diego County electricians are available around the clock and will arrive in 60-90 minutes, ensuring that you are able to repair your panel and restore your power as quickly as possible.

Electric Sub-Panels

Sub-panels are panels that can be added into your home to distribute power to a specific area, adding a level of convenience and efficiency for areas that are located a long distance from the main panel. If you would like to install one or more sub-panels in your Southern California home, our electricians in San Diego can help

Electric Panel Relocations

Home renovations require a circuit breaker box to be relocated to somewhere else in the home. If you need to move your electrical panel, we can help you place your panel anywhere in your home that you want.